Expobar To confirm stock please call 1300 132965 Crem EX3 2 Group Compact Coffee Machine Now: $5,499.00 MSRP: $6,044.00 Was: The Crem EX3 is an eye-catching and extremely versatile professional espresso machine, featuring a s…
Sale Expobar To confirm stock please call 1300 132965 Expobar Megacrem 3 Group Coffee Machine Now: $5,399.00 MSRP: $6,270.00 Was: $5,685.00 The Expobar Megacrem 3 Group High Cup Espresso Machine in stainless steel and black is a powerful, e…
Expobar To confirm stock please call 1300 132965 Expobar Rosetta MI-C Compact 2 Group Coffee Machine Now: $2,750.00 MSRP: Was: An affordable compact 2 group commercial coffee machine which has had very little use in its life I…
Expobar To confirm stock please call 1300 132965 Expobar Ruggero Barista Minore White and Quamar Q50P Fully Refurbished Second Hand Coffee Machine and Grinder Now: $2,490.00 MSRP: $4,914.00 Was: Expobobar Ruggero Barista Minore Dual Boiler (RRP 4,099 inc. GST) Dual copper and brass boiler syst…
Expobar To confirm stock please call 1300 132965 Expobar Zircon 2 Group Coffee Machine Now: $4,930.00 MSRP: Was: The Expobar Zircon is an entry level machine for those who need reliability in a basic model. Stainl…