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Shipping & Returns


When you place an order, if shipping isn't marked as Free in the listing, then it can be calculated by adding to cart and entering a shipping address. The more you buy in a single transaction, the more you are likely to save on shipping costs.

Large and high ticket items will require signature on delivery, so please provide an address where someone is likely to be present to receive the items. 

For remote deliveries please contact customer service on 02 98904332 or 

Returns Policy up to 30 days

You have a legal right to obtain a refund from a business for goods purchased if the goods are faulty, not fit for purpose or don't match the description, and Auspresso will readily respect your rights and in most cases cover the cost of return shipping.

However, if you purchase an item in error or change your mind we will need to assess the situation and ask you in all cases to contact us on 1300 132965 or